Saturday, December 13, 2008

Strike 2

While safety alert was raised on imported European food products, there are now 12 U.S. imports that are on a 90-day alert list according to SD's report dated 11th of December.

As I had mentioned before, the news on European food safety alert does not identify what harmful chemicals were found unlike the 12 US food products wherein SD even supported the findings with b&w photo of the foods in question and its alleged chemical contents.

The 12 US food products on the alert list includes the following:
1. Lemon Juice (excessive amounts of sulfur dioxide)
2. Bay Leaf Powder (excessive amount of lead)
3. Stacker Sauce (too much sorbic acid and benzoic acid)
4. Cheese Balls (excessive amounts of coloring additives)
5. !
6. Algia & Mussel Capsules, and Oysters & Vegetable Compound Tables (too much arsenic)
7. Cheese (too much coliform bacteria)
8. Whey Powder (insufficient amount of protein)
9. Chocolate (containing the banned quinoline yellow food dye)
10. Almonds (excessive amounts of fat peroxide)
11. Candy (excessive amounts of coloring)
12. Melt Extract Powder (too much aluminum)

Note: The 5th photo only indicated an exclamation sign..

Ironically, the 12 US food products on a 90-day import alert list only specified its organic names but not the labels. It's nearing holiday seasons and we consumers who will apparently require some of the items listed in preparation for the supposed joyful feast during the holidays were placed in such ironic situation.

Am I using the word 'irony' so much, or i'm just having my usual mood swings..? hmmn..

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