To keep this going and to know more about your blog friend and new found ones, there are some guidelines to follow such as:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.
What is your current obsession?
I am currently obsessed in keeping up with my planned future studies. I terribly wish to earn my Masters Degree if not PhDs but I don't think I can be able to achieve this. Money wise and time wise are out of hand. Hmmn, maybe when I reach 60. hahaha!
To replace my friend Mervat's Question: Good fika place? (That would be coffee to us non-Swedes), can I be questioned about a
Good Doughnut Place?
I only drink coffee once a day; only after waking up in the morning and that's all I need to perk me up. What I really need is a good doughnut place.. I cannot find any doughnut here except the chinese version, a deep fried dough rolled in rough white sugar.
Do you nap a lot?
Oh I wish I could.. this 8-hour job i got into is ruining my wishes for an extended nap everyday! Especially now that I'm still not feeling well. I caught this terrible colds and flu 2 days ago and I'm still not in the working mood. Can I take a nap now, pls..?
Who was the last person you hugged?
My daughter, just this morning before I went to my office. Usually it's my hubby but he's away for work and will return today.
What’s for dinner?
Mostly vegetables and meat but right now I'm craving for Japanese Ramen so I might have a dinner in Yifen House just right outside the Hong Kong border. I ought to call my hubby and daughter for a date this evening.. Hmmnnn, good idea..
What was the last thing you bought?
Thermal Underwear.. Yaikks.. Pls forgive me, I'm just telling the truth.. I gotta buy a lot to get ready for the future weather we have to face in the next few days.. My friend Patty kept me worrying about the Canadian weather so please don't laugh at me when I said I bought thermal underwear for the whole family!!
What are you listening to right now?
I'm listening as always to the chinese 'chit chat' from my chatty officemates. They are always busy talking while we're having lunch in our office tables.
What is your favourite weather?
Rain is my favourite only during nightime and whenever I'm in our home in Baras; you can distinctly hear there the raindrops falling on our roof while I am being cuddled by my husband and our children snugged cosily in their own beds..
And Sunny Days too.
What’s on your bedside table?
Most of the time, you can see the reading lamp, book I am currently reading, mini photo frame of myself and my hubby then my children's photos. But not right now. Our house is kind of a Junk Shop, we got to move verrry soon.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you.
Mervat is the rarest kind of person I had ever encountered here in blogland. Not that she's out-of-this-world-person but because she's a scientist! I have a high regard for scientists noting that sci-fi is one of my favorite genres when talking about novels; except that this woman is really wonderful; holding such a noble position in life yet she still able to provide a wholesome life to her family.
She's so caring and soft-hearted. I can feel that she's a kind-hearted person from the way she writes her post and how she comments on anyone. She really mean what she write and I love her for that and for being such a modest person. She never complemented herself considering that she got all it takes to be successful in anything she wants. Be it a writer or a proprietress of her very own fashion boutique..
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
Our house is already fully paid and fully furnished in Baras and it would always be our dream house. It's a home that hardwork built and myself and my family would never replace that for anything else in this world.... However, it would be nice to always have a second or third home, right? So we hope to have one too in Mississauga :)

Favourite vacation spot?
I'd been to many parts of Asia, a part of Australia and then we'll soon be moving in North America so it is always our dream to have a vacation in Europe particularly Paris to visit our family there. (gee, that must be awfully expensive..!)
Name the things you can’t live without.
Can I copy your answer Mervat? We mothers are copycats when it comes to those whom we cannot live without.. My HUBBY, 3 KIDS and my computer..
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
A confirmation of our Canadian Citizenship. And our Dual Citizenship later on.
What is your favourite tea flavour?
Cammomile Tea
What would you like to get rid of?
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Anywhere except inside my office..
What did you want to become as a child?
I wish I could become a Lady Santa Claus. I'm not crazy but please believe me.. when I was a kid, I cannot sleep until I had all my friends and relatives have some gifts from me during Christmas and during their birthdays! I started feeling like this when I was three.. Imagine that..? I always want to give gifts to anyone I befriended with and to my cousins. I always felt lonely whenever I see someone who don't have enough while I have a lot even when I was a kid. And up to now, I always made sure that all the people that I love and those that works for us have their presents. I'm not rich, but I don't know why I always felt like this. Maybe I need a psycho-analyst? Hehe..
What do you miss?
I'm not copying Mervat, but I also miss my late grandmother. She's my maternal gradma who took care of me while my mother was busy working as a Government Employee in our country. I miss her so much as well as my late mother.
What are you reading right now?
DBA Handbook 1: The Course Stage (supplemented by Edinburg Business School, Herriot-Watt Uiniversity). Ironic but I gotta read this so I can explain to my boss how he can proceed with his Doctorate Degree Course.
What do you fear the most?
What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)?
I got some from Chloe but I never wore it. I just love to wear Levis jeans and shirts.
Admit one thing you feel awful about. Once you have written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad.
I'm not punctual enough and I hate myself for being like this!
I wish to tag more than 8 good people here so to minimize missing anyone important, may I just invite anyone who would like to get tagged can follow this.
Thanks Mervat. You're such a nice friend. I am always awed at you.
Thanks for sharing about yourself now I'm getting to know you even better. I hope you can pursue your masters degree and hope you will have better future in Canada. Take care Ate Loids! Did I tell you that I gave you 2 award, one is Neno's award from hulascoop and one for "I love your blog?" You don't have to to do it if you don't feel like it, I know you've been receiving lots and lots of awards LOL, it's just an appreciation to you that I really love your blog. Keep it up.
Dearest MISSY,
You're so sweet.. I haven't been around the blogland lately because I got sick. Pls forgive me. Now I'm ought to get my awards. Thank you so much Missy. I am so glad that I had met you here. And hopefully when there's a chance to meet you in person in the future.. why not? :)
Kindly note that your blogs always made my day happier especially the Hulascoop and the tour to Japan via Travelog.. Thanks and please give my kisses to your cute kid.
Ate Loida
Edinburgh Heriot Watt? Not far frae (that's Scottish by the way) me, just over the road by a quick train. Nice toon Edinburgh, dubbed The Athens o' The North! Glasgow's more like New York City...and so it goes. By the way, my first novel was a scifi job, just thought I'd mention Loida.
Tak' it easy on the squash (slang for head),
YOU, Loida, are one of the most interesting and verstile women I have ever met in my life. No matter that it is online. You are open, a good wife, mother, friend, homemaker, etc. This is the impression I get from all I have read. You are thoughful and kind to all. Not sure why I wanted to tell you this...except it is just what I think..and what I think comes out my mouth off my fingertips.
What a nice life you lead..and your children sound so nice.
Something very honest and sincere comes across in every post you make.
(That will cost you a quarter..LOL) to reading.. :)
Dear Sean the Psychonaut,
Oh yeah you identified it! This is the school that's offering the on-line PHD Degree. The Edinburg Business School, Herriot-Watt University is located in Scotland (Riccarton Eddinburg EH14 4AS). And you're from Scotland I remember, right? haha, what a coincidence.
I hope I could read one of your novels too. Is it published and distributed yet? If yes, pls tell me the ISBN no. so I can avail it on store near me.
Gosh, this is getting exciting.. I got famous Scientists, Photographers, Etsy Makers, Article Writer and now a Sci-Fi Novelist! Wow!
Have a nice day ahead.
Dearest Mona,
Hahaha, you made me laugh and yes, I am deeply touched that someone ut there really feels my heart. This is me my friend -inside and out..
I believe that all mothers like you and me are always gifted with compassion. I believe that you cannot feel me like this if you yourself is not as compassionate. Reading from you, you had shown more than I can share to this world. You will always be one of my inspirations.
Thank you so much my friend.
Cares a lot,
Thank you for shairng this info about yourself. I am so sorry I missed this. For some reason I have had alot of trouble getting onto your blog and any comment I leave is always rejected.
I hope this comes through as you are a wonderful woman and friend. I will comne back to catch up on all the posts that I have missed out on reading.
Best wishes to you and your family and happy house hunting! And you can achive anything you set your mind to remember that always!
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