Well, the highlights of this up-date is not about us, but about the Filipino Designers we saw during our nightcap in LA Bar.. We overheard the laughing from the bunch of guys quite near our table. They are so loud that you can hear their jokes and also some hints of where they are working. They are all Filipino Designers imported from the Philippines to work with various industries such as Furniture, Shoes and IT Manufacturing Firms here in China. We're not nosy except that you can't miss what they were talking about, mostly about boy's stuff. And with that you can definitely consider them as straight guys.. Not Gays..
But where can you find an ALL-MEN dancing on Valentines?
Fun, but isn't it weird..?
Love from,

It sounds like you had a great Valentines Day, that is just great !! Those dancers looked like they were doing okay, too.
Thanks for dropping by. ~~~Leslie
love the flowers - glad you had such a wonderful time. Judith
Hi Loida! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog lately! It sounds like you guys had a wonderful V Day and night! I love the photo of your hands. Very sweet!
Thedancing men photo is so cute. Around here, the girls dance and the men drink bear.
Sounds like I have been drinking too much beer! I mean, "The dancing men photo is so cute. Around here, the girls dance and the men drink beer."
My goodness! My copy editor would get a kick out of that line.
Seems like all are having a good time. heehee
I had another good day today. Thank God. How wonderful to feel well again.
Thanks for dropping by to see me. I am enjoying looking at my new empty dining room. It's been filled with crafts for 2 years.
I LOVE IT!!!!! Loida, you may not have, but Prince and I did go to a gay bar on V-Day.
Wow, we had a blast. It was an 80's Dance theme and we all danced to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA.
Remember that one?
Steady On
Reggie Girl
Sounds like a very romantic time!
Nice you dropped in to say hello!
Thanks, yes we really had a great time.. Hahaha the all-men-dancing are kind of cute but weird..
Thanks for dropping by Judith.. Yes, myself and my husband really had a wonderful time together. Have a nice day my friend..
thanks fro dropping by. I used to visit your blogs and found your up-dates interesting all the time..
Hello there my friend.. thanks for dropping by.. Those men in the photo came to the bar by themselves without any women with them. They're not gays it's just that they look weird dancing with each other on Valentines Day.. hehehe..
Thanks God that you're doing better now.. Hope you have a nice day ahead.. thanks for dropping by, my friend..
Hahahaha, I haven't been to a gay bar.. those guys dancing are straight guys.. they're just having some fun without girls around.. on Valentines Day..! ( which I found weird) Tahnks my dropping by my friend..
yes we had a romantic night that time. thanks for dropping by too.. Have a nice day ahead.. :)
Thank you for your lovely comments. All the best to you and your family. Flowers look wonderful by the way!
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Looks like a good Valentines Day to me.
I'm going to read back through some of your post so I can become acquainted with your family.
Looks like a wonderful celebration! Thanks for visiting my blog and wanting to play along with the tag. I'm giving you the letter "T"! :)
Dropping by to say hi. How you are well.
What a fun Valentine's day! We all need a little "alone" time every now and again...Valentine's day is the perfect time to check into a hotel room...just to be alone!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments. You are welcome to stop by for green tea and honey biscuits whenever you are in East Texas...would love to have a chat over tea!
Dear Mervat, thanks too for finding my flowers wonderful. Thanks for dropping by and hope to see you again soon. Have a nice day my friend. God bless.
Hi Darla,
Nice to meet you.. Hope you enjoy our site.. Take care my friend..
thanks for dropping by my good freind. Hope you ahve an njoyable weekend today.. God bless you and your husband.. See you again soon..
Dear Donna,
Hahaha, yes we just had our little get away.. and it's really fun. Hope to see you again more often soon. Love to read your blogs.. Have an enjoyable weekend ahead..!
Glad to know you had a wonderful Valentine celebration. Those roses are beautiful.
It's amusing to see the guys huddled in a dance. Looks like they are having a great time.
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