Saturday, July 07, 2012


Every month, these lovely ladies in the photos with me used to meet and alternately visiting each other's home.. Potluck most often or go out to places where we can enjoy food and drinks and just be happy together..

Power of Friendship never fail to ease the pressure and stress of the hard long week...  anticipating the next date with the lovely gals.. hope they have similar blogspot so we can share the fun in the cyber world too..  :)


  1. Hi Loida! I was so pleased to see you had dropped by. You know what it is, don't you? We try to at least keep up with the comments we get and slowly drift from some of our favorite blogs..or..the subject matter changes that draws us..or we just plain peter out..
    With's the latter. I think I have run out of steam.. nice to see you and yes, you are so right. Why go out and spend money when you can gather comfortably at a friends home and relax with your favorite foods. You look like a warm and friendly group of women.
    Even groups like that eventually drift aways ..moves, divorces, illness...all sorts of things.
    It's not just us bloggers. :)

  2. I like the 2nd pic. That's what friendship should be about. It has no race or ethnicity boundaries.

    Para kayong representatives ng United Nation. : )

  3. Hi Mona, really so nice to see you again.. noting too the new addition to your happy family..

    yup, the steam is drifting. but i still used to come back once in awhile to see you guys.

    i miss the time when i was always excited to blog almost about anything.. those were the days..


  4. Hi BlogusVox, such as nice thought. you're right.. thanks for visiting..

  5. What an awesome group of friends. Thanks for sharing your lovely pics and always remember - "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."


    Krissie :)

  6. What an awesome group of friends. Thanks for sharing your lovely pics and always remember - "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."


    Krissie :)


Thanks for dropping by.. Your comments are deeply appreciated..