Tuesday, September 01, 2009

biking around

i woke up quite late this morning. got nothing to do.. it's my day off so i decided to bike around bristol road and gone out to see the place. biking from bristol to its major intersection in hurontario gave me a break from it all.. such fun.. canada has offered us such clean and invigorating environment.

hubby has been transferred to a much better post, he's now gonna work from 7am to 3pm everyday which means there are more time seeing each other finally.. two sons shall work in their usual grave shifts and they're happy about it. they don't sleep at night though.

daughter is enrolled but we still has to wait for the principal's call to confirm her class schedule. she only has to take 4 subjects during the first semester and another four later before she graduate.

happy and relaxed.. nice, huh?


  1. Loida, my dear friend!! LOVED hearing from you today. And nice to see that you have posted and told us about the latest events with you and your family there in Canada. I often think of you and wonder how you are all adjusting. Congratulations on the better position for hubby! I am no longer on blogger as much as I was in the beginning, the summer got busy and my time for the computer was gobbled up. But now that things are slowing down once again and the kids are back at school, I find that I have more moments in the day to visit with my blogger friends, and I am loving it. I have missed everyone! Keep in touch dear one, great hearing from you! hugs from here, Debby

  2. Glad our environment in Bristol was so inviting. It isn't everywhere.

  3. Dearest Debby, hello my friend. Yeah it's really nice seeing you. I used to visit you and some friends but sometimes I am so sleepy and tired to make comments after the hard days. But I'm always here and admire your up-dates especially your new projects on silk ribbons. Here too is the beginning of classes. I guess I'll be more busier because of the student walk-ins in our store. This would surely made me dead tired but promise, I'll try to see you again. Have a lovely day ahead.. hug you back, loida

  4. Dearest Barry,
    Thanks for dropping by. We are enjoying our stay in Bristol Rd. but we are moving to a better place next to my work place in Tomken and Bloor called Applewood at the Park. Take care and have a lovely time with Linda.

  5. Yeah it's really nice seeing you. I used to visit you and some friends but sometimes I am so sleepy and tired to make comments after the hard days.
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