Sunday, February 22, 2009


Haven't you noticed, I used words that RHYMES most of the time..?

MAYBE there's a chance that I will be a "POET" afterlife..?

OR simply "CORNY" oftentimes..?

Pick your choice...

Funny me,


  1. People who uses rhymes
    Are happy most of the time
    A poet, I need not be
    To see the reality. : )

  2. wehehe, thanks a lot blogusvox.. yeah, i'm a happy person all year round :)

  3. Happy Sunday,
    And I don't mean Monday.
    Hehe. I'm no poet. Gotta run, time to get ready for church.

    Hugs and blessings,


  4. Dearest Renie,
    Thanks my friend. Don't you know how much I am proud to be among your friend list after knowing that you're one among the authors of the famous Chicken Soup...? I told this to my daughter and she's amazed how I found you.. God bless my friend and please advise which edition of the Chicken Soup shall I bought. I really hope to be among your fans..
    Love ya,
    Loida or 2L3B's

  5. Your blog is beautiful, I am happy I found you and Renie. Blogging is very important to me. I live far far away from all of my family, I live alone and my cat has gone to heaven to wait for me. I do not have a car. I just can't afford one. When one is on a "fixed" you have to give up some things. The mobile home I rent is quite a ways from the downtown area.I have one friend that lives about 60 miles from here and she comes once a week to take me shopping. But, I am thankful for what I have. Thanks, for sharing some of your life with me.

    Hugs and blessings to you~~~~~Leslie

  6. I..think you will be a poet in your after life.
    You have a beautiful family and you yourself are just lovely. I mean that sincerely. I must go back and read more of your blog..and by the also is just beautiful. Easy to read and understand. It is obvious that you have taken much time and made much effort to make it pleasing to all who visit you and I so appreciate that.

  7. Happy Sunday to You !!
    We have snow here now & everything is white. It is beautiful but I am very anxious for Spring!
    Have a wonderful week!!
    Love, Marilyn

  8. Loida, thanks for dropping by my place. I will keep coming back here, just busy to log into my dashboard to check blog list.

    A poetic person you are, that's art ha!

  9. Awww.......Loida!! You're so sweet that everytime I drop into your blog it makes me smile.
    Take good care and.........

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  10. Hey Happy Gal,

    I always try to be happy. It is so much easier than being sad. Being sad is hard work!

    "Being sad is never fun,
    so please be happy;
    shine like the sun!
    No tears, no pain,
    no clouds, no rain
    Smile! There is much to gain.

    I am now a poet!

  11. to LESLIE:

    Thanks a lot that you enjoy my blog. I'd been thinking how I can ease your loneliness.. Please give me your postal address and I'll figure out how I could make you happy somehow. Thanks you my friend. Please take care always.

    Dearest Mona,
    Thanks a lot that you liked the way I blog and find my family lovely.. I already told you how I also admire your honest way of saying things.. Thanks Mona..


    to MARILY,
    It's spring here now. I hope yours arrive soon..Thanks for dropping by..


    to BETSY:
    Thanks a lot my friend..


    to SHENG:

    thanks a lot that you found that in me.. hehehe.. God bless.


    to PATTY:

    wow my friend, what a lovely poem. nice touch.. And you're right, being sad is such a waste of time.. so let's laugh..!! love ya!

    hehehe,the feeling is mutual.. See ya!

  13. You are so sweet, my address is:

    Leslie Hall
    P.O.Box 655
    Eureka Springs
    Arkansas, USA
    I hope you find this here.
    Love and Hugs~~~~Leslie

  14. Your a poet and you didn't know it.


    Thanks for following my blog, I had to change the URL to


  15. to LESLIE:
    Thanks my dear Leslie. Hope you're fine.. Take care always..
    Hugs, Loida


    Thanks a lot for dropping by and for finding me a poet.. hehe.. Have a nice day my friend.

  16. Hello,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower.
    I really appreciate it very much.

    You have a beautiful blog.
    Have a wonderful day.
    ~Melissa :)


Thanks for dropping by.. Your comments are deeply appreciated..